Building your guiding change coalition – How to do this?

My journey into organisational change management was not orchestrated or clearly defined. Midway through 2004 my career path was definitively and forever changed. Now 18 years later and more recently during the last 8 – 10 years, I have come to realise the importance of taking the time to setup and build a guiding change coalition. This will help you feel supported during the highs and lows that often comes with implementing change.

According to Dr. John Kotter, Harvard Business School professor and entrepreneur, a guiding coalition is a group of individuals within an organisation who are the social leaders of the change initiatives.

The word coalition originates from the Latin word coalitio and means “to grow together”

The need to have a powerful coalition is a passion of mine and requires deliberate thinking and planning. Coalition members who want to thrive and grow together, who are influential will be able to influence others to accept the change …. Follow me for more insights on growing and building a guiding change coalition.